Uhhhm so yeah. This is me. Lol, okay. So my name is, Monica Juanita C. Arenas. Quite a mouthful isn't it? Obviously that's me in the picture. I'm 16 years old and i'm currently a senior. I swim competitively but even if I didn't, i'd probably swim for both health and for fun. I'm basically the youngest in my family consisting of two older brothers and my parents. I have two dogs named Shadow and Zerro. (
Weird names right? Blame my brother)
Anyways, I'm really into this band called
"5 Seconds Of Summer". I love them so much. Words cannot describe how much I love them. Not kidding.
I honestly don't really have a theme for my blog but it's basically whatever I feel like posting or the things I enjoy and have done. It's a personal blog basically, but I post about 5SOS alot so uhm yeah. Be prepared. =))
Family Pictures
Christmas with family + grandmother |
My family (except my other brother) ... |
Ton and I |
Cousins (Maternal side) |
Cousins (Maternal side) |
So this is a photo of some of my relatives (Paternal side) ... |
Pictures with my friends
Swimming Pictures
Regional Swim Meet 2014 |
Regional Swim Meet 2014 |
Rgional PRISAA Swim Meet 2014 |
PRISAA Swim Meet 2013 |